3D APC (All Purpose Cleaner)


Product Info

Everyone needs a great APC or All-Purpose-Cleaner.  Why? Because there’s always something that needs cleaning! The thing is, you really only want great APC, not a me-too product. The market is absolutely flooded with All-Purpose-Cleaners. The problem is most these products are simply made from inexpensive ingredients or crude chemistry. They don’t work well, they don’t smell good, and they really only work on the kinds of things simple soap and water would clean.

3D All-Purpose-Cleaner is the best APC on the market today. It’s the best because it uses the most costly ingredients and the chemistry is not only top-notch, but also created to be safe for you, whatever you’re using it on and the environment. Here at 3D – EVERY product we make is based upon our Green Technology. 3D’s Green Technology is our pledge to only create products that meet our stringent criteria, which includes safe for you, safe for the environment and just as important – all our products must be best-in-category. When we decide to launch a product in any category, be it a spray detailer or a ceramic coating or in this example, an all-purpose-cleaner, it has to dominate the competition.

When you’re ready to buy your next all-purpose-cleaner, put 3D All Purpose Cleaner in your Shopping Cart. We promise, you’re going to love this product. We guarantee it. 3D on the outside of the bottle means you can trust the product on the inside of the bottle.

What is it? - A spray-on liquid that cleans virtually any surface or material.

What does it do? - Cleans, dissolves, emulsifies all types of organic, inorganic, stains as well as biological stains. Removes biological odors permanently.

When do you use it? - Anytime you need to remove any type of stain on a surface or in a material.

Why use 3D All Purpose Cleaner over other options? - Great question? Especially when these types of products are relatively cheap and be found in just about any kind of store. Here’s our answer: The reason you should choose 3D All-Purpose-Cleaner over other options because it works better, it works faster, and it’s formulated to do these two things while still being very safe to the surface it’s used on and also safe for you and our environment. Yes, it’s this good.

  • All purpose cleaner that’s safe for virtually all surfaces.

  • Cleans leather, vinyl, rubber, plastic, cloth seats and door panels.

  • Contains an enzyme that removes biological and organic stains while permanently removing odors.

  • Works on inorganic stains like make-up, lipstick, motor oil, grease, and tar.

  • Ready to use straight from the bottle or can be diluted to best fit the job.

  • Use inside or outside car. Works great in trunk and engine compartment.

  • Green technology, Earth friendly, biodegradable, Prop 65 and V.O.C. compliant.


IMPORTANT: Always work on a cool, clean surface in the shade. Anytime you’re working on a surface or a material you’re unfamiliar with, always test any product you’re considering using – on an inconspicuous area to check for colorfastness.

Smooth solid surfaces – Like vinyl, leather, plastic, rubber etc.

Step 1: For light cleaning and to avoid overspray on other surfaces, spray 3D All Purpose Cleaner directly onto a clean, soft microfiber towel or applicator pad and then gently wipe the surface.  

Step 2: Immediately after application, before any residues can dry, turn to a clean, dry side of you application towel or applicator or switch to a separate, clean dry microfiber towel to re-wipe the surface.

For fabrics, cloth, and upholstery

Step 1: Spray 3D All Purpose Cleaner directly onto surface. For large areas, spray entire area so that material is damp with product. Allow 45 seconds to 1 minute for product to dwell and penetrate stains. For spot cleaning, agitate area with horsehair brush or textile brush.

Step 2: Wipe area with clean cotton or microfiber towel. Using a separate, clean dry towel, place towel flat onto treated surface and press down with hands to blot out any excess product.

For exterior cleaning - Plastic trim & cladding, vinyl & rubber surface, tire sidewalls, wheels

Step 1: Spray 3D All-Purpose Cleaner over area to be cleaned. Allow to dwell and penetrate for 45 seconds to 1 minute. For heavily soiled areas, agitate with appropriate brush.

Step 2: Rinse area with strong blast of water. 

Step 3: Wash car as normal using either 3D Pink Soap or 3D Wash N Wax

For Engine compartment

Step 1: Blow-out any leaves, sticks, pine needles, dead bugs, etc., with air.

Step 2: Tape-off and cover any electronic components that are sensitive to water. Tape-off and cover any areas or components that should not be sprayed with water. Cover and protect any fresh air intake openings to prevent water from getting into these areas.

Step 3: If cleaning the inside of the hood, start with this area first. Only work on painted surfaces and hard plastic surfaces. Do not wet or scrub heat mats or sound deadening mats attached to the underside of the hood as this material is fragile and tears easy.  Spray 3D All Purpose Cleaner onto painted and hard plastic surfaces. Allow to dwell for 30 to 45 seconds. Agitate with a soft bristle brush. Immediately spray only the painted and hard plastic surfaces with a gentle spray of water. If your water sprayer has a SHOWER setting, use that.

Step 4: Divide engine compartment into natural areas or sections. Spray 3D All Purpose Cleaner to one section or area at a time and agitate with the appropriate brush. Using the SHOWER setting (low volume, wide spray pattern), rinse this area. Do not blast any electrical components with water. Move to the next area or section and repeat this process.

Step 5: After you have cleaned and rinsed the entire engine compartment, give the engine compartment a final rinse using the SHOWER setting on you water sprayer.

Step 6: Blow out the engine compartment using compressed air or a leaf blower. Using a utility towel, wipe down engine compartment to remove any standing water off any visible surfaces and/or components.

Step 7: Remove any tape or coverings and the blow these areas out. Remove anything covering or blocking water from getting into fresh air intake for fuel system.

Step 8: With everything removed, start engine, and run for 10-15 minutes. Running the motor will warm up the engine and evaporate off any standing water you could not reach with blown air or by wiping.

Step 9: Wipe painted areas of the engine compartment with 3D BEAD IT UP or 3D Final Touch.

For vinyl and rubber surfaces inside the engine compartment, use 3D Trim Care Protectant, 3D LVP Conditioner, or 3D Instant Shine to restore a factory new appearance. Simply spray-on or apply using a foam or microfiber applicator pad and then remove any excess.


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  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.